Tagore House Moto

"Marching towards perfection"

"Endurance is the quiet symphony that plays in the background of every triumph, its notes composed of the relentless pursuit of a goal against the dissonance of doubt." With this thought in mind, Tagore House sailed past all obstacles to make its way towards excellence. This achievement would not have been possible without the precious guidance of our House Master, Mr. Rajat Rastogi, and our House Mistress, Mrs. Rashmi Massey, along with the tireless efforts of our House Captain, Nandini Garg, assisted by our Vice-Captain, Kushagra Jain.

Distinguished for its creativity, Tagore House left no stone unturned in cultural events. Under the guidance of our Cultural Prefect, Manya Thakur, and our very talented students pouring their hearts and souls into each and every bulletin board, we emerged victorious.

Not only this, our house also boasts of a plethora of achievements in the sports arena. In the Sub-Junior category, Anant Karanwal secured the 2nd position in a football event, and Dhruv Kumar secured the third position in a basketball event. In the Junior Category, Chaitanya Singh secured the first position in a football event, and Apar Anubhav secured the first position in a basketball event.

Our house also held the second position in "Senior Boys Football" under the leadership of Siddhant. Nandini Garg led us to victory in the "Senior Category Girls Football". We also bagged the third position in both "Inter Boys Basketball" and "Inter Boys Football". In the Inter category, Vansh Gupta secured the 3rd position in a football event, and Aren Anthony secured the 2nd position in a basketball event.

We extend our gratitude to Amogh Pratap Singh, our Sports Captain, who guided the junior athletes towards for our house perfection. In the Junior Category, we stood first in both the "Inter-House Football" and "Inter-House Basketball" matches, led by Chaitanya Singh.

But the saga of our achievements doesn't end here. Our rising champs secured the first position in the "Sub-Junior Boys" category and the second position in "Sub-Junior Football".

Thus, it will suffice to say that the academic year 2023-24 brought great laurels to our house, which shall remain in our memory forever. The credit goes to the house teachers, athletes, and the students for their immense contribution.

Kushagra Jain
   Vice-Captain - Tagore House