Middle Section

Ms. Sapna Agarwal

Dear Esteemed Students,

As we commence another captivating chapter in our academic journey, it fills me with immense pleasure and profound pride to extend a heartfelt welcome. Class 6-8th education holds an exalted position in shaping your destiny & in our middle school curriculum, we ardently believe in fostering a conducive milieu that propels your holistic growth encompassing your mental acuity, physical vitality, and emotional well-being.

Within each student lies an extraordinary tapestry of talents awaiting revelation. And as middle school teachers we try to be student's compass on this extraordinary voyage of self-discovery. Our solemn commitment is to provide unwavering support, unveiling student's innate aptitudes, and refining their distinctive skill sets.

Middle school education transcends the mere acquisition of knowledge; it orchestrates the harmonious symphony of character building, empathy cultivation, and embracing the kaleidoscope of human diversity. And this why we immerse students in a multitude of disciplines and partake in co-curricular endeavour's, an efflorescence of interests and strengths awaits your embrace.

For middle school we aim to propel in our students that triumph is not merely a byproduct of grades or laurels. True success lies in becoming the epitome of your authentic self, a beacon illuminating the world with your unique brilliance. Our aim is to harbour unyielding faith in the boundless potential within each and every student. Together, let us embark upon this exhilarating odyssey of growth, knowledge, and profound self-discovery.